Restoration-Life Recovery

The Christian recovery process is a lifetime journey of healing and restoration. It is often misunderstood to only include alcoholics, addicts and their families. Yet actually, the recovery and restoration process includes all of us. As sinners, we are all separated from God and, with that, our lives have become unmanageable. We are in this world and our struggle with the sinful nature is ongoing. Sometimes that struggle can be overwhelming or lead to an addiction. Romans 7:18-25

The 12 steps have Christian roots, therefore are based on Biblical teachings, and are a method to find freedom from the strongholds that keep us captive.

The recovery and restoration process is learning to reclaim our true self, who God intended us to be. Our false self is our old self, how the world has defined us. As we apply these tools our faith is renewed and our relationships both with God and others become healthier and more rewarding.

During this transformation process we confront ourselves honestly. It can be a hard journey depending on the depth of our hurts and hang-ups, but a life changing journey of transformation that offers hope, healing, and the promise of a new life grounded in faith and freedom.

Throughout this process, you are encouraged to rely on the power of Christ, the support of fellow believers, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Suggested Reading:  The Twelve Steps For Christians, Friends in Recovery

Going Deeper